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Fizogen Blitz Cycle Reviews

Index > Fizogen > Fizogen Blitz Cycle Reviews

Explode your pumps and blast your muscle cells with the most powerful combination of performance enhancing compounds to date! The first ever arginine, citrulline and creatine esters combined with the anabolic salts of orotic acid and a natural acetate ester of pure 20-beta-hydroxy-ecdysone extract.

fizogen blitz cycle



Fizogen Blitz Cycle User Reviews
Avg. Customer Review (3.8 Stars):
Number of Reviews: 33

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Blitz cycle February 27, 2008
Reviewer: Bobby from washington

The pumps were great for the full workout which for me is rare. Usually these products keep me pumped for an hour or so.

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works for me November 07, 2007
Reviewer: Andy from Midlothian, TX

I can honestly say that I have tried many different supplements over the past years and this stuff works. It took about a week for the stuff to kick in, and boy did I feel it when it did. It gave me excellent pumps as well as allowing me to raise my bench max about 20lbs in only 2 weeks. I give it 4 stars though, because it left me feeling jittery and gave me a short fuse the first couple of weeks. One more thing.. if you are prone to getting acne this stuff will make it worse. Other than that this product works great and you will see results.

8 of 10 people found this review helpful
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baddd August 26, 2007
Reviewer: Meat Chunk from west chester, pa

this product is absolutely HORRIBLE. after a using it for a month my bench actually went DOWN 20 pounds. my biceps went from a stunning 22 inches to 18 inches. this is poison in a bottle and i recommend it to no one.

7 of 16 people found this review helpful
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Loved It May 14, 2007
Reviewer: Leanna from Camp Lejeune, NC

I felt this working the first time I used it. It worked exactly how it said. I had more energy, and my muscles felt very saturated. I was ready to hit the gym.

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OK... March 06, 2007
Reviewer: Anonymous from Anytown, AT 55555

This product is okay so far. I have taken it and experienced little difference from normal. I have only been using it for a little while, so im still sticking with it. Before, i was using NO-Xplode, which worked great for me. Also, the previous post is probably all bullshit considering that not only is drinking 3 gallons of water not health, but it is highly dangerous and probably deadly. That much water in your system would spike your blood pressure, and dilute your blood salts. So i would discount anything else said in that post as well

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so far so great March 04, 2007
Reviewer: Beast from nashville, tennessee usa

this product is amazing, anyone who cant agree must not truly have a drive to workout and get swoll, when i take blitz i feel like ripping down everything in the gym and bodyslamming someone, i also stack this with novodex xt and i take it with food instead of 30 minutes before i eat also an hour b4 a work out , i experience agression but of course crazy me loves it, i drink 3 gallons of water a day i'm 186 pounds and 5'11 i've been on blitz and novodex for 3 weeks and i have more energy and my arms and chest have already gotten visibly bigger i've also gained 8 pounds, i eat a protein filled diet , i take natural vitamins and i also do 500 push ups in the morning and 500 push ups at night my chest is 49 inches and my biceps are now over 20 inches like i've always wanted

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Terrible February 25, 2007
Reviewer: A.C.B from OH

This stuff is a BIG Waste of Money! i dont rec it to anybody. it didnt do anything for me. i didnt feel anything or gain any mass, reps, weight. I dont even know what this stuff is stuppto do .. Also its not ver convinent by taking it 30 mins before u eat

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Reviewer: Sherv from ny, ny usa

wow some people really amaze me

read any magazine article that isnt trying to sell you anything and it says to take 3-5 grams creatine before/after workout

if you think youll get a better pump and bigger muscles from doubling the dosage, you're a fuckin idiot

the companys usually say to take more of the pills and get more than 5g of creatine so you use up your expensive bottle and have to buy more

also taking too much creatine slows your own body's production

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ok if you want fake results February 03, 2007
Reviewer: None from usa

all this stuff does is add water to the muscles which is ok to make you look bigger but not be better ive been taking this stuff for 4 weeks now and my bench only went up 20lbs probly natully

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This stuff is AWSOME! December 01, 2006
Reviewer: David from LAKELAND, FL USA

Seriousy! take this stuff with Blast and Mass. You will gain size, reps, and power.

To the last review: Blitz was more the L-arginine part of the cycle. If you want a creatine, Go with Mass Cycle.

There was only one downfall with taking this, but it was sorta cool anyway. I had some anger problems. I suppose it was from the raise in natural GH. But it wasn't bad. I just stayed focused and it wasn't a problem.

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BAD November 25, 2006
Reviewer: Andrew from MA USA

very bad, just go with normal creatin ester. This stuff gives terrible cramps even with a ton of water

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Great!!!!! November 03, 2006
Reviewer: Cayman from Kerrville, TX

I used one bottle of this stuff and every workout was great!!! I am 230lbs and 2 scoops was more than enough!!! I have used alot of product but this and Mass Cycle in one month tossed 40lbs on my bench, 65 on squat and 60 on deadlift this shit owns!!!!!

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sick!!!! October 15, 2006
Reviewer: Conor walker from texas

Blitz cycle helped me gain 22lbs of muscle and close to a hundred pounds on bench in just under three months. It may sound crazy but its true, along with tons of water and the right diet.

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Blitz cycle added 15 lbs to my bench October 10, 2006
Reviewer: Mark from Columbus, OH USA

My name is mark and i've been on blitz cycle for 4 weeks now I take 3 caplets 3 times a day and I've noticed tremendous results. I've add 15 lbs onto my bench after a short month. I recomend Blitz cycle to all my friends. Def worth the money!!!

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I guess Fizogen just isnt for me August 03, 2006
Reviewer: Deezl from Twinsburg, OH, USA

Ok i bought this product after i went through a cycle of ON and OFF cycle and i must say i was highly disapointed in the results i didnt get from that 200$ cycle...

Well just like alot of ppl i ive tried many products out on the market and some worked just fine and some complete waste i must say after switching to Blitz i was hoping for some bettr results but i didnt. Ok i know alot of who read this are gonna say well he doesnt know what hes doing...blah blah blah well ive been workin out for 7 yrs im only 18 and i am a personal trainer so u can put that crap to rest...heres the cold hard facts...

A. you cant rely on supplements to do all the work eating and protein r key (unless your juicin)

B.What 1 product might work for 1 person might not work or work aswell for another everybodies body responds differently

C.if u guys and girls are lookin for good working supplements just dont go after the big name companies cuz their just there to make money, some of the best products are the ones you dont hear about so do your research.

21 of 27 people found this review helpful
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not to sure June 16, 2006
Reviewer: Anonymous from Anytown, AT 55555

I hace been taking blitz for 3 weeks now and i ahve not seen much a difference and to whoever said im not lifting right thats bullshit. Before i took this i was repping 260( i only do inclines) and i may ahve gone up 10 pounds but nothing crazy. its a normal supplement nothing speacial

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Hyped April 25, 2006
Reviewer: Dan from Wilmington, NC

I tried a bottle of Blitz cycle which was started on 4/4 and ended on 4/24. I took 3 pills 3 times a day, and drank a ton of water. Did not see much of a difference, however, I did notice a little something. Definitally not worth the price. This product is very hyped up. If you want real results, I would reccommend CE2 by MRI. Saw much better results with that.

16 of 17 people found this review helpful
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November 30, 2023
Reviewer: Bman said it all the first week i took it my muscle look bigger fuller and more dense. i love it! from this shit is tthe best

This stufff works!


2006-04-23 of 2026 people found this review helpful
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90% RIGHT - 10% WRONG April 21, 2006
Reviewer: Bman from Syracuse, NY

The title says it all folks!!!! The 10% of people in here who have stated this shit doesn't work, maybe needs to learn how to lift first! To the other 90%(including myself), Blitz is AWESOME!!!!! I've already turned 3 of my friends on it @ work because after using this for only 1 week so far, they were asking me if I was working out ALOT because my muscle mass getting bigger....IN 1 WEEK!! After I explained to them that I'm trying this Blitz Supplement, they went right out and bought some. Guess what? It's working the same for them as it has been for me so far. I hope people really pay attention to this thread I'm posting because as long as you take a Protein Shake or something Protein related, YOU WILL GROW!! If it helps any, here is the current stack I am taking:

Fizogen "Blitz"

ON 100% Whey Protein

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Working Great February 26, 2006
Reviewer: Blaine Hurst from Ohio USA

I am very impressed with Blitz Cycle, I have been using it for about 3 weeks now and have great results. I'm not a huge bodybuilder, but am a 24y/o lean/athletic sports enthusiast. Previously, I had been lifting for about a year using nothing besides Whey Protein. Since I began Blitz, my endurance in the gym has been outstanding; the increase has been ridiculous in both lifting and running/cardiovascular. I have been putting together the most intense workouts of my life and my muscles barely give any signs of soreness the next day. Man, I wish I had this supplement in my days of collegiate soccer! My long-distance girlfriend was blown away in how much bigger my arms got in a just a month, no joke, and of course she loved it. Yesterday I ran into a girl I hadn't seen in a month and she asked if I had been lifting.... what's crazy is she noticed my increased muscles and I was wearing a winter coat! If you can afford Blitz, stockpile it when it goes on sale because it isn’t cheap. Drink LOTS of water. I’m curious as to how much size I’ll lose when I finish the cycle but the fact is I’ve put together the best workouts of my life and I’ll certainly be taking a large benefit from the Blitz Cycle. I know I sound like a salesman and that different people’s bodies react differently to different substances but I have nothing but good things to say about my personal experience with Blitz and I’m only a 1/4 through the cycle.

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Just creatine and Arginine February 26, 2006
Reviewer: G from Philly

Blitz, $85 average, is basically just creatine, arginine, and a transport. I've gotten the same results taking seperate creatine and arginine. Also, whats gonna happen when you stop taking the stuff...You will literally shrink! You MIGHT be a little stonger and bigger from the workouts you performed while taking the stuff, but creatine and arginine are temporary muscle volumizers. Good for a month or two

31 of 33 people found this review helpful
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Oh Yeah January 23, 2006
Reviewer: JK from Pittsburgh,PA USA

This is my first day of blitz cycle,and let me tell you,it works!I took 6 pills with my animal pak 35 mins before i lifted today,and when i lifted, my bench max increased 20 pounds and made me want to do more sets in my excersices.however,after i lifted, my traps and triceps started going into horrible spasms but i think it was from strecthing to much.But i would highly recommened use of blitz's the best supplement iv'e ever taken in my vains are still bulging out of my skin and it feels like i want to lift again.

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Definitely a must for everyone December 23, 2005
Reviewer: Rick from Portland, Or USA

I just got got back to lifting again after high school. I have never in my life experienced more energy and endurance after taking Blitz. I was able to go from benching a sorry 185lbs. to 265lbs. in a matter of 3 weeks use. I play basketball as well and I felt more stamina and less muscle soreness during and after the games. I know that these supplements works differently from one person to another...But I know Blitz helped me crawl out of the stagnant phase I was in. The only side effects I can really notice is that its hard to go to sleep when you are all amped up at night. I may need to cut back at night time use but thats all. Oh yeah I can't forget..My veins are like the size of crawling king snakes..If you like that look then BLITZ is for you.

12 of 14 people found this review helpful
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Blitz November 19, 2005
Reviewer: Anonymous from Panama

When I first took it I felt a little energy. I was let down at first but then when I worked out I realized I wasn't getting sore and I felt alot stronger from my increased stamina. That day I worked out so hard and thought mabey the pills would help me recover buy the next couple days. Wrong. I never got that same feeling since then so I don't know why they cost so much but seriously, just be a man and get real hormone enhancers if you want to see results.

6 of 13 people found this review helpful
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Awesome November 17, 2005
Reviewer: Lee Sonnier from Texas, USA

Over the summer i took a bottle of blitz and my bench went up at least 30lbs. I am 17 and play high school football while everyone else is using steroids i used blitz and still put up more weight and played harder than they did.

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Simply awsome October 24, 2005
Reviewer: Anonymous from IA, USA

I don't know what some of you are talking about. Maybe there is some problem in you diet or routine. Simply put blitz is the best supplement I've ever tried. I've tried No2, Pump tech, Noexplode(which I really love), and just about every other big name NO/creatine product out there. Blitz leaves them all in the dust. I gained 12lbs in 10 days using blitz. Now I was eating large amounts of food. And I was in the middle of my bulk phase. But my bench went from 260 to 300. Now if you read the book it's quite sickning, and basically way hyped up. But Blitz is an awsome supplement. I found if you combine it with noexplode you get a pump unlike any I've ever felt. It turned me into an animal. I'm on my second bottle of blitz and my bench has now reached roughly 315. Now I do eat properly and train properly as well. I've been a bodybuilder/boxer for over 5 years now. But never have I experienced gains like I have recently. Yet know that there are no magic pills, but blitz is the best thing out there in my opinion for safety and effectiveness.

25 of 27 people found this review helpful
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Blitz Cycle October 08, 2005
Reviewer: Barry Sisson from Fredericksburg, VA USA

Fizogen's Blitz Cycle effects are much more pronounced than other products of this type that I have tried. I almost immediately acheived about a 20% gain in all of my exercises. The increase in stamina is very noticeable. After using for two months, I notice no adverse side effects.

9 of 12 people found this review helpful
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Blitz Cycle and Cytoid Retinopathy September 26, 2005
Reviewer: Tom Jomnes from California

After taking Blitz Cycle for a couple of weeks, I noticed a spot obstructing my field of vision in one of my eyes. I went to a retinal specialist and after several hours of grueling tests, I was diagnosed w/ Cystoid Retinopathy, which is basically a condition where the retina ditends and causes the obstruction in the field of vision as well as a fish eye lens effect in the remainder of the vision in the affected eye.

Moral of the story: be careful with this stuff.

7 of 18 people found this review helpful
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It is OK August 18, 2005
Reviewer: Jason from Ohio

Blitz Cycle is just OK. It doesn't really give you any advantage that I can see so far. I'm getting the same results as I was getting just using the basic protein+multivitamin+betagen. Basically nothing has changed and I've been using the trial bottle I bought for 3 weeks. I wouldn't recommend it.

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Good Stuff August 08, 2005
Reviewer: Rodney from Long Island, NY

I dont know what the people who wrote the last 2 reviews are talking about. Me and my lifting partner both started taking blitz at the same time. I was taking Blitz with Myoplex Sport protein which worked out well. The 1st day I noticed nothing. From the second day and on I noticed an increase in strength and pump. I received great gains as did my partner. I would definitely recomend it. I was taking Blitz with Myoplex Sport protein which worked out well.

18 of 19 people found this review helpful
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worked for me August 04, 2005
Reviewer: Dan from Philly

i had taken 4 months off from the gym, took this for a quick start and it worked. I put on 30 pds on my benchoress within 3 weeks of taking it, i combined it with T-bomb2

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